Vietnam Temporary Suspends Import and Re-export Timber from Laos and Cambodia

Vietnam's Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) recently issued a temporary suspension of import and re-export of round wood and sawn timber from natural forests from Laos and Cambodia.

Wood logs before transported/img: laotian

The temporary suspension takes effect from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2027. The goods are classified in HS codes 44.03 and 44.07 in the List of Export and Import Goods of Vietnam. After 4 years of implementation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will conduct a review and assessment of the implementation of this Circular.

Back to 5 years ago, MoIT has issued similar regulation of temporary suspension of business in import and re-export of round wood and sawn timber from natural forests from Laos and Cambodia, and it will be expired by 31 December 2023. MoIT has conducted a review and assessment, and this new regulation was issued on 14 November 2023 to avoid legal gaps.

Vietnam has participated in International Free Partnership Agreement, such as agreement between Vietnam and EU countries on forest law enforcement, forest governance and trade in forest products (VPA/PLET), Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild flora and fauna (Cites), these important steps are to ensure compliance with the international regulations.

Accordingly, Vietnam will continue to maintain policies to limit illegal exploitation, transportation and trade of wood across borders, and control the situation of traders taking advantage of regulations on temporary import and re-export of round timber and sawn timber to commit commercial fraud.

This Circular applies to traders participating in temporary import and re-export of round timber and sawn timber from natural forests from Laos and Cambodia; including agencies, organizations and individuals involved in the business.

Source: goviet


Because wood is sustainable and more eco-friendly

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