Ghana to Issue FLEGT Licenses for Exports to the EU

Ghana is to become the first African country and second in the world (Indonesia is the first country to issue FLEGT licenses in 2016) to begin the issuance of licenses for timber exports under the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) scheme.

The licence, which is expected to be operational in 2024, will certify that the timber or timber related products exported under that licence are legal and comply with the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR), which prohibits the placing onto the EU market illegally harvested timber and timber related products derived from such timber.

Log wood under cutting in Ghana/img: reuters

The EU’s FLEGT Action Plan was launched in 2003 to set out a series of supply and demand side measures aimed at reducing the trade in illegal timber.

Among these measures is the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA), which is a bi-lateral trade agreement between the EU and a timber exporting country that seeks to put in place systems to verify the legality of timber exports to the EU markets.

As an important aspect of Ghana's sustainable development agenda, the forest sector plays a crucial role in promoting economic growth, combating climate change, and preserving biodiversity.

A 2018 Global Forest Watch report revealed Ghana was the country with the fastest depleting forest cover globally due to illegal logging and mining activities.

In addition to these advances, Ghana is also addressing the trade of illegal timber in both domestic and regional markets. In this regard, Ghana is rolling out a new system for tracking timber on the domestic market that involves both suppliers and traders, and requires proof of legality through the chain of custody.


Source: MLNR


Because wood is sustainable and more eco-friendly

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