5 Technical Expertise Buyers Want to See in Your Factory

Often we heard from our network partners in furniture industry particularly wood furniture producers (factory), that their sales decline due to uncompetitive selling prices and product's quality compliances. Those are not wrong, but also not fully correct. There are other reasons the buyers discontinue the products or cancel the orders. And there are other reasons to start or not to start the cooperation with a newly approached factory.

Purchasing price is important in order to get the best selling price for end users. And there are other technical aspects beside Quality of the products to consider. Wood processing is complex and needs several expertise and experience to produce good quality furniture at the right price.

Neat production line in a wood furniture factory

Followings are important technical expertise buyers want to see.

1. Raw Material Know-How & Management
Working experience is essential. a factories that consistently working on certain wood species for a long time, means they have very well know-how to deal with every single process and wood characteristics.
This fact gives better skills and treatment applied on the material. In addition, the control over wood raw material source will be more extensive and well-planned. There is very low risk to delay production or shipment due to insufficient material availability.

2. Production facilities
A wood furniture factory without kiln dryer is like a restaurant without cooking utensils. Kiln Dry is absolutely a must-have and well maintained to secure the quality of dried wood. Wood drying process is more important than the technology of kiln dryer.

To have the most upgraded woodworking machine doesn't mean as much as to have the most appropriate machine for the product they are looking for. For an example, if the buyer plan to buy chairs, they will expect to see a factory equipped with automatic tenon & mortiser machine instead of fully computerized belt sanding machine.

3. QC Team
The organization structure of QC team or Quality Control department must be separated from factory production team. QC team must be independent and has full authority to make decision without interfere from production manager or factory manager. Only a few large-scale factories hve adapted this structure.

Sometimes buyer will have a look on the skills and experience of the Quality Controllers. Not only the skills on QC works, but the skills on the product and material under his responsibilities.

4. Production capacity
Big buyers even place the assessment of production capacity in larger portion than the other 3 points above. Not only the production speed of their orders, but also the capacity of a factory as a whole facility, the capacity of the source for raw materials, and the capacity to keep finished goods in the facility within a certain period of time.

Large warehouse area but small raw material warehouse is not a guarantee to have a good production capacity. That could be other risk of sub-contracting. As long as the supply of raw materials to the finished product is balanced, buyers will have more confidence in placing orders.

5. Product quality
Don't forget that this is the most important criteria. Quality does not mean the best, but the correct quality as expected and to comply with the destinated markets.

Very attractive price is not always the key, but high commitment to above points is very important to maintain the cooperation and continuity of business relationship.


Because wood is sustainable and more eco-friendly

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